
Showing posts from December, 2020

a week of recovery

 It's both inspiring and disorienting to see how different I feel each day. When I was in the hospital, I thought I had never been anywhere else. I was waking up so slowly. However, I always thought that I was at my max capacity of alertness. It feels like so much happened while I was there and there was no before. Like I was born then. But when I think back, really nothing happened other than my vitals being taken again and again.  At home I have been slow to wake up as well. Today is the first day I have any degree of stamina for being out of bed. I still have a feeling of the life I saw flash before my eyes and wanting to hold onto it and shine a mirror up to that little glow ball I'm carrying with me but maybe I'm not awake yet. One thing I want to talk about is my dreams. Whether it's the medication, or the moon, or the healing sleep I don't know but I've been having some dreams.  The first night I was home I kind of forget what the dream was. All I remembe